Results for 'Donovan Adrián Hernández Castellanos'

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  1.  21
    «Feliz Navidad, Mr. Žižek.» La más mínima distancia: fantasma, goce e ideología.Donovan Adrián Hernández Castellanos - 2023 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 70:219-237.
    El presente ensayo se organiza al modo de un guion cinematográfico donde el protagonista conceptual es el fantasma. Se realiza una exposición de su abordaje filosófico en los trabajos de Slavoj Žižek enfatizando su relación con el goce y la ideología. El punto de partida es la famosa intuición del filósofo esloveno según la cual existe una analogía entre la concepción de la autonomía en el idealismo alemán y la concepción freudiana de la pulsión de muerte. A partir de este (...)
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    El Barroco en disputa: Carl Schmitt y Walter Benjamin entre lo estético y lo político.Donovan Adrián Hernández Castellanos - 2013 - Signos Filosóficos 15 (29):71-102.
    El presente artículo es un estudio comparativo donde se argumenta la relación disonante entre las obras de Schmitt y Benjamin sobre la estética barroca. Se defiende que la diferencia entre ambos consiste en su concepción de lo político. Para Benjamin, son dos los aspectos fundamentales del Trauerspiel alemán: 1) la diferencia entre drama barroco y tragedia clásica y 2) el recurso a la alegoría como técnica de expresión. Schmitt, por su parte, encuentra lo singular del drama barroco en la irrupción (...)
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    Missing heritability of complex diseases: Enlightenment by genetic variants from intermediate phenotypes.Adrián Blanco-Gómez, Sonia Castillo-Lluva, María del Mar Sáez-Freire, Lourdes Hontecillas-Prieto, Jian Hua Mao, Andrés Castellanos-Martín & Jesus Pérez-Losada - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):664-673.
    Diseases of complex origin have a component of quantitative genetics that contributes to their susceptibility and phenotypic variability. However, after several studies, a major part of the genetic component of complex phenotypes has still not been found, a situation known as “missing heritability.” Although there have been many hypotheses put forward to explain the reasons for the missing heritability, its definitive causes remain unknown. Complex diseases are caused by multiple intermediate phenotypes involved in their pathogenesis and, very often, each one (...)
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    Psychometric properties of the survey work-home interaction nijmegen in Argentinian population.Elena Lucía Colasanti, Estanislao Castellano, Lucas Lapuente, Luciana Sofía Moretti & Leonardo Adrián Medrano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Frictions between work and family life have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, causing negative consequences on the mental health and quality of life of workers. Without validated instruments, it is not possible to determine the impact of Work-Family and Family-Work conflict. To date, no studies have been conducted to provide evidence of the validity and reliability of The Survey Work-Home Interaction Nijmegen in the population of Argentine workers. The SWING was administered to 611 Argentine workers of both sexes aged between (...)
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  5. A Self-Applied Multi-Component Psychological Online Intervention Based on UX, for the Prevention of Complicated Grief Disorder in the Mexican Population During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Protocol of a Randomized Clinical Trial.Alejandro Dominguez-Rodriguez, Sofia Cristina Martínez-Luna, María Jesús Hernández Jiménez, Anabel De La Rosa-Gómez, Paulina Arenas-Landgrave, Esteban Eugenio Esquivel Santoveña, Carlos Arzola-Sánchez, Joabián Alvarez Silva, Arantza Mariel Solis Nicolas, Ana Marisa Colmenero Guadián, Flor Rocio Ramírez-Martínez & Rosa Olimpia Castellanos Vargas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: COVID-19 has taken many lives worldwide and due to this, millions of persons are in grief. When the grief process lasts longer than 6 months, the person is in risk of developing Complicated Grief Disorder. The CGD is related to serious health consequences. To reduce the probability of developing CGD a preventive intervention could be applied. In developing countries like Mexico, the psychological services are scarce, self-applied interventions could provide support to solve this problem and reduce the health impact (...)
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    Communication stimulation in the gestational period.Vilma Esther Moreno Ricard, Isabel Cristina Sampayo Hernández & Lilian Guerra Castellanos - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (2):356-369.
    RESUMEN En el presente artículo se reconoce la significación de la estimulación prenatal de la comunicación y la necesidad de brindar una orientación familiar oportuna y certera tanto a la embarazada como a sus familiares y su objetivo está encaminadoa contribuir a la capacitación del personal de salud dirigida a la orientación a la familia para la estimulación prenatal de la comunicación. En él se tiene en cuenta la influencia de los médicos y enfermeras, en dicha labor, además, se encuentran (...)
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  7.  16
    Cooperative Learning Groups and the Evolution of Human Adaptability.Adrian Viliami Bell & Daniel Hernandez - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (1):1-15.
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    Acknowledgment of external reviewers for 2000.Fred Block, Davis James Bohman, Yang Cao, Randall Collins, Diane Davis, Jay Demerath, Brian Donovan, Steven Epstein, Adrian Favell & David Gartman - 2001 - Theory and Society 30 (1):155-156.
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    15 Somatosensory Discrimination: Neural Coding and Decision-Making Mechanisms.Ranulfo Romo, Victor de Lafuente & Adrián Hernandez - 2004 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga, The Cognitive Neurosciences III. MIT Press.
  10.  33
    Formación en competencias para el desempeño profesional en relaciones públicas.Rodrigo Ernesto Cisternas Osorio, Gabriela Baquerizo-Neira, Adrián Cordero Redondo, Ruth Fernández-Hernández & Alejandro Álvarez-Nobell - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (3):1-21.
    Diferentes estudios sostienen que el perfil del profesional de relaciones públicas varía según los países y regiones; entre otras razones, por el desarrollo académico y las dinámicas del mercado profesional. Esta investigación analiza comparativamente, a nivel teórico (definición de competencias y marcos regulatorios) y empírico (programas académicos y tendencias) la principal oferta académica de grado en los casos de Ecuador y España, a partir de las siguientes dimensiones: desarrollo de competencias, áreas de desempeño y perfiles de egreso. El perfil profesional (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Traducir a Heidegger.Jesús Adrián Escudero - 2011 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Fenomenología 8:89-95.
    Últimamente se ha producido una copiosa traducción de textos de Hei-degger. Ante la complejidad de sus expresiones, es necesario un trabajo de revisión y unificación de los términos castellanos. Con el ánimo de abrir un proceso de diá-logo entre los traductores, expondremos brevemente algunos puntos en los que se ejemplifica el problema. Por un lado, se trata de mostrar las tareas de traducción todavía pendientes de Ser y tiempo, a pesar de las dos traducciones existentes. A tal efecto se (...)
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  12.  17
    Estética del desvarío en la narrativa latinoamericana contemporánea.Juan Manuel Acevedo Carvajal, Andrea Estefanía Álvarez Orozco & Yenni Zulena Millán Velásquez - 2020 - Revista Disertaciones 9 (1):51-60.
    El objetivo fundamental del presente artículo es la configuración de una constelación de ficciones delirantes en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea, a partir de la conceptualización del delirio literario y el análisis del proceso de construcción del relato delirante. Dado que, algunos narradores latinoamericanos despliegan ficciones delirantes en nuestros días, y existe un amplio número de casos, en donde el delirio se evidencia en la literatura de nuestro continente, autores como: Mario Bellatin, Roberto Bolaño, Rita Indiana Hernández, Horacio Castellanos (...)
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  13. Much Ado About Nothing: Unmotivating "Gender Identity".E. M. Hernandez & Rowan Bell - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Recently, the concept of "gender identity" has enjoyed a great deal of attention in gender metaphysics. This seems to be motivated by the goal of creating trans-inclusive theory, by explaining trans people's genders. In this paper, we aim to unmotivate this project. Notions of "gender identity" serve important pragmatic purposes for trans people, such as satisfying the curiosity of non-trans people, and, relatedly, securing our access to important goods like legal rights and medical care. However, we argue that this does (...)
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    Reflexiones en torno a la sensibilidad externa.Juan José Sánchez Álvarez-Castellanos - 1991 - Anuario Filosófico 24 (1):89-114.
    This paper consists of a series of reflections of external sensitive knowledge: what does it mean to know a color, a sound, etc. Three different views are compared Zubiri, Leonardo Polo and Aquinas.
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  15. L'aristotelismo cristiano di Marcel De Corte.Danilo Castellano - 1975 - Firenze: P. Cipriani.
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    Alternative food networks and food provisioning as a gendered act.Rebecca L. Som Castellano - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (3):461-474.
    Alternative food networks are exemplified by organic, fair trade and local foods, and promote forms of food provisioning that are ‘corrective’ to conventional agriculture and food systems. Despite enthusiasm for AFNs, scholars have increasingly interrogated whether inequalities are perpetuated by AFNs. Reproduction of gender inequality in AFNs, particularly at the level of consumption, has often been left empirically unexamined, however. This is problematic given that women continue to be predominantly responsible for food provisioning in the US, and that this responsibility (...)
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  17.  45
    Análisis de las adicciones comportamentales en el siglo XXI.Soledad Quero Castellano, Juana María Bretón López, Cristina Botella Arbona, Rosa María Baños Rivera & Azucena García-Palacios - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:34-43.
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    Enseñar filosofía: homenaje a Pablo Castellanos.Pablo Castellanos López, Manuel Díaz Cid, Jorge Navarro Campos & Fidencio Aguilar Víquez (eds.) - 2005 - Puebla: UPAEP.
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  19.  19
    Lectura de Mapas ¿Una Competencia Pendiente En Los Estudiantes de Turismo?Juan Manuel Parreño-Castellano, Mercedes Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Manuel Ramón González-Herrera & Víctor Jiménez-Barrado - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-13.
    La lectura de mapas es una competencia pendiente para los estudiantes universitarios. Es el caso de los del Grado en Turismo de las universidades de Las Palmas de G.C., en España, y Autónoma de Juárez, en México, que usan los mapas para la comprensión de la realidad turística sin que hayan adquirido una alfabetización cartográfica suficiente.Esta comunicación presenta un diagnóstico del pensamiento geográfico de este alumnado centrado en las capacidades de localización, interpretación y análisis relacional de variables territoriales. Se ha (...)
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  20. Scientific change: Philosophical models and historical research.Larry Laudan, Arthur Donovan, Rachel Laudan, Peter Barker, Harold Brown, Jarrett Leplin, Paul Thagard & Steve Wykstra - 1986 - Synthese 69 (2):141 - 223.
  21. Some Challenges to a Contrastive Treatment of Grounding.Amir A. Javier-Castellanos - 2014 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):184-192.
    Jonathan Schaffer has provided three putative counterexamples to the transitivity of grounding, and has argued that a contrastive treatment of grounding is able to provide a resolution to them, which in turn provides some motivation for accepting such a treatment. In this article, I argue that one of these cases can easily be turned into a putative counterexample to a principle which Schaffer calls differential transitivity. Since Schaffer's proposed resolution rests on this principle, this presents a dilemma for the contrastivist: (...)
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  22.  85
    Quantifier Variance, Ontological Pluralism and Ideal Languages.A. Arturo Javier-Castellanos - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (275):277-293.
    Kris McDaniel has recently defended a criterion for being an ontological pluralist that classifies the quantifier variantist as one. In this paper, I argue that this is a mistake. There is an important difference between the two views, which is sometimes obscured by a common view in the metaphysics of fundamentality. According to the simple analysis, a language is ideal—it allows for a maximally metaphysically perspicuous description of reality—just in case all its primitives are perfectly natural. I argue that this (...)
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  23. Conceptos, conexiones causales y conexiones normativas.Federico Castellano - 2015 - In Mariela Aguilera, Laura Danón, Carolina Scotto & Elisabeth Camp, Conceptos, lenguaje y cognición. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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  24. Don Quijote y las matemáticas.Luis Balbuena Castellano - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 38:105-110.
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  25. Filosofía, ciencia y revolucion.Juan Mario Castellanos - 1972 - San Salvador,: Editorial Universitaria.
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  26. Introduction.M. Bianet Castellanos - 2019 - In María Bianet Castellanos, Detours: travel and the ethics of research in the global south. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.
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    Introduzione allo studio delle opere di Benedetto Croce.Giovanni Castellano - 1920 - Bari,: G. Laterza & figli.
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    Saggi di filosofia della politica: temi e problemi della secolarizzazione occidentale.Danilo Castellano - 2021 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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  29. Un inédito de San Buenaventura.A. Castellano I. Tresserra & A. Bordas I. Llavat - 1996 - Verdad y Vida 54 (215-16):251-263.
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  30.  78
    (1 other version)Should the Number of Overlapping Experiencers Count?A. Arturo Javier-Castellanos - 2021 - Erkenntnis:1-23.
    According to the cohabitation account, all the persons that result from a fission event cohabit the same body prior to fission. This article concerns a problem for this account. Suppose Manuel and Jimena are suffering from an equally painful migraine. Unlike Jimena, however, Manuel will undergo fission. Assuming you have a spare painkiller, whom should you give it to? Intuitively, you have no more reason to give it to one or the other. The problem is that the cohabitation account suggests (...)
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  31.  75
    A case against convexity in conceptual spaces.José V. Hernández-Conde - 2017 - Synthese 194 (10):4011-4037.
    The notion of conceptual space, proposed by Gärdenfors as a framework for the representation of concepts and knowledge, has been highly influential over the last decade or so. One of the main theses involved in this approach is that the conceptual regions associated with properties, concepts, verbs, etc. are convex. The aim of this paper is to show that such a constraint—that of the convexity of the geometry of conceptual regions—is problematic; both from a theoretical perspective and with regard to (...)
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  32.  77
    The Right to Best Care for Children Does Not Include the Right to Medical Transition.Michael Laidlaw, Michelle Cretella & Kevin Donovan - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (2):75-77.
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  33. Large-scale brain systems in ADHD: Beyond the prefrontal–striatal model.F. Xavier Castellanos & Erika Proal - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (1):17-26.
  34. Executive function: is there a central executive?F. Xavier Castellanos, Edmund J. S. Sonuga-Barke, Michael P. Milham & Rosemary Tannock - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (3):117-123.
  35. Storia di una parola letteraria: it. vago. AGI 48 (1963) 126-169. S.Castellano Angela - 1964 - Paideia 19:330.
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    Kronogenetske institucije kao kategoričke jezgre vremenskih ideja.Duzan Dussier Avila Castellanos & Íñigo Ongay de Felipe - 2024 - Synthesis Philosophica 39 (1):91-115.
    This paper explores the genesis of the concept of time, analysing how the initial methods, techniques and institutions employed by early human groups to measure environmental changes became increasingly aligned with human activities, thereby forming the basis of our modern understanding of time. Adopting a discontinuous materialist perspective, this work posits that complex ideas like time often have simple technological origins. We introduce the term chronogenetic institutions to describe the early mechanisms used by human groups for measuring world transformations before (...)
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  37. El paisaje en la poesía de Antonio Machado.Eduardo Guerra Castellanos - 1965 - Humanitas 6:173.
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    El problema educativo y escolar del siglo IV en las "Confesiones".Nicolás A. Castellanos - 1960 - Augustinus 5 (20):521-536.
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  39. Ignazio silone: L'utopia E la speranza: A vent'anni dalla morte.M. Castellano - 1998 - Studium 94 (4):607-620.
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  40. Le premesse filosofiche dell'antitotalitarismo e dell'antinihilismo politico di Cornelio Fabro.Danilo Castellano - 2006 - Sapientia 61 (219-220).
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    Rosmini e la problematica politico-sociale dell'Europa del 2000.Danilo Castellano (ed.) - 1999 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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  42.  27
    Sul linguaggio degli angeli.Veneranda Castellano - 2008 - Quaestio 8:690-694.
  43.  22
    Consentimiento informado: estudio de derecho comparado México-España.Jacqueline Fonseca Castellanos - 2020 - Ciudad de México: Tirant lo Blanch.
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  44. Genome Editing Technologies and Human Germline Genetic Modification: The Hinxton Group Consensus Statement.Sarah Chan, Peter J. Donovan, Thomas Douglas, Christopher Gyngell, John Harris, Robin Lovell-Badge, Debra J. H. Mathews, Alan Regenberg & On Behalf of the Hinxton Group - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):42-47.
    The prospect of using genome technologies to modify the human germline has raised profound moral disagreement but also emphasizes the need for wide-ranging discussion and a well-informed policy response. The Hinxton Group brought together scientists, ethicists, policymakers, and journal editors for an international, interdisciplinary meeting on this subject. This consensus statement formulated by the group calls for support of genome editing research and the development of a scientific roadmap for safety and efficacy; recognizes the ethical challenges involved in clinical reproductive (...)
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    Moral decay, inequality, and the perception of corruption: the reproduction of bribery as a social norm.Josafat I. Hernández Cervantes - 2024 - Mind and Society 23 (1):123-143.
    In the paper, the role of a citizen, a public official, and an observer in the reproduction of bribery as a social norm are each analyzed. To make the analysis of this cellular-social form of corruption, three variables are incorporated: the agent’s perception of how widespread the corruption is, the agent’s available resources with which to act, and the role of moral values. Later, some scenarios of normalization and denormalization of corruption are explored, making different assumptions regarding the analysis and (...)
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    Egg freezing, genetic relatedness, and motherhood: A binational empirical bioethical investigation of women's views.Yolinliztli Pérez-Hernández & Michiel De Proost - 2023 - Bioethics 38 (7):592-599.
    Genetic relatedness figures heavily in contemporary ethical debates on egg freezing, although the arguments lack empirical‐based evidence. Rather than adding another theoretical view on the moral relevance of genetic connections, this paper instead proposes an empirically grounded perspective based on two independent qualitative interview‐based studies conducted in Belgium and France. Three themes emerge from our empirical data: (1) prioritizing family building; (2) centering the gestational experience of motherhood; and (3) identifying the complexities and limitations of adoption. These themes suggest that (...)
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  47.  22
    Compliance-aware engineering process plans: the case of space software engineering processes.Julieth Patricia Castellanos-Ardila, Barbara Gallina & Guido Governatori - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (4):587-627.
    Safety-critical systems manufacturers have the duty of care, i.e., they should take correct steps while performing acts that could foreseeably harm others. Commonly, industry standards prescribe reasonable steps in their process requirements, which regulatory bodies trust. Manufacturers perform careful documentation of compliance with each requirement to show that they act under acceptable criteria. To facilitate this task, a safety-centered planning-time framework, called ACCEPT, has been proposed. Based on compliance-by-design, ACCEPT capabilities permit to design Compliance-aware Engineering Process Plans, which are able (...)
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  48.  37
    A Systematic Review of Deep Learning Approaches to Educational Data Mining.Antonio Hernández-Blanco, Boris Herrera-Flores, David Tomás & Borja Navarro-Colorado - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-22.
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    The influence of cooperative relations of small businesses on environmental protection intensity.Sonia Benito-Hernández, Manuel Platero-Jaime & Pablo Esteban-Sánchez - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4):416-439.
    This study examines the relationship between cooperative business relations in small businesses and environmental protection, one of the most important policies of social responsibility in manufacturing. We reviewed the literature and carried out an empirical study of 930 small manufacturing firms in Spain. Results indicate that small businesses that maintain and improve their cooperative relations through business networking with universities, competitors, suppliers and customers spend more on environmental protection. The managerial, practical, research and policy implications of the obtained research findings (...)
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    Esperienza giuridica e secolarizzazione: Incontro 17, 18 e 19 settembre 1992, Aula Foscoliana, Università degli Studi di Pavia, Sala Robecchi Bricchetti della Camera di Commercio.Danilo Castellano & Giovanni Cordini (eds.) - 1994 - Milano: Facolta Di Scienze Politiche Dell'universita Di Pavia.
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